Monday, May 22, 2006

Moses was Bi-polar? Sweeet...

Balaam's ass was stopped in her tracks by this clever church marquee, as we are sure most everyone else passing by was as well. The thought was arresting and sublime, and made one want to reconsider the whole Moses-in-a-basket story in a much more relevant, penetrating way.

BASS was simply stunned (and a bit sheepish) to have missed the obvious way that the Bible spoke with such clarity, incisiveness and poignancy to the deep therapeutic needs of 21st century men.

One can only imagine how many times baby Moses wanted to just toss his binky out of that stinking tar-baby basket and go belly down in the Egyptian reeds. Think of the stinging injustice he must have suffered by the abandonment of his family, made all the more maddening by the incessant undulation of the Nile...exactly where was his mother, anyway? Does his colicky bowel mean nothing to her?

And in spite of this hopelessly depressing predicament, Moses was no siree, Tut. If he had to get out and wade to shore on his own, he wasn't giving don't you give up either. Maybe "Pharaoh's daughter" will come and deliver you from being a basket case like baby Moses.

BASS is encouraged by this interpretation of the story of baby Moses - it breathes new life into an otherwise irrelevant and totally unbelievable story, and the double entendre is just dadgum catchy, in an Egyptian sort of way. It's simply beautiful how the relevancy of the Bible is not lost on us 21st century Christians, and this thoughtful message from the church proves it!

And I'm betting the God responsible for this whole Mosaic faux pas is breathing a little easier too, now that the marquee has spoken...