Friday, March 31, 2006

Out of the mouth ass

So, Balaam's ass saw things more clearly than Balaam. Hmmmm...a more fitting parable could ne'er be wished for to describe modern, post-modern, pre-post-barbaric, neo post-pagan and generally-adrift Americana - especially evangelical Americana. One could wish the citizens of the celestial city were all Balaam's asses, fearing to cross paths with the Angel of YAHWEH, willing to crush the foot of those who, in their lack of God-fear, would ride the donkey for their own illicite ends. But then, how many citizens of Christendom even have the discernment of Balaam's ass?

When biblical wisdom is thrown to the ground (as so much of contempoary Christendom has done), the biblical God gets real hard to see, and not even the brute force of a whip can make Him visible (or a "contemporary, non-traditional worship celebration," for that matter). It's downright shameful when an ass knows the fear of the Lord better than a man, and a prophet to boot! Balaam was post-modern way before it was cool...

So here's to elephants that fly, and asses that speak the truth, even when it's not all that obvious...or popular. We could do with a few more asses like Balaam's, and a few less asses like Balaam.